
Heads up!

 The first chapter of my book, Glory Paid to Ashes, will be posted very soon! The rest of the chapters will be posted in excerpts. If you like them, and want to read more, I ask that you purchase them from Kindle. If you don't have a Kindle, shoot me an email and I'll see if we can work something out.
If the world worked my way, I would let all of you read my work for free. Unfortunately, grocery stores and the like don't feel the same; and absolutely refuse to exchange food for books! (shame on them). So, as you can imagine, most writers can't make a living off of their works, and they are forced to have other jobs as well. I too have other jobs, and use precious, very sparse, spare time to write because I enjoy it, but a writer's gotta eat too, and an energetic body means and energetic brain; so...if you want more of my stories, please DO "feed the animal" or human...you get the point.

All of my writing excerpts will be able to be found here on fictionpress.com as well.

Disclaimer :)

Ideas come and go. I get good ones, bad ones, and new ones. One thought leads to another without any notice. Hence, not all of what I write is exactly what I intend it to be. Sometimes my little plots get away from me, and I get off on the wrong track.
So, all content on this blog is subject to change. I will post chapters of my book, but might find later on that I need to change my original content. This is just part of the writing process--if this happens, I will try and remember to make sure that I give an announcement that I have edited a post...if I forget; I'M APOLOGIZING AHEAD OF TIME :D Sorry; stuff happens!